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Sweet Filled Paratha Recipe

Whole Wheat Flat Bread Filled With Sweet Bean Paste

To make the dough, combine in a medium-sized bowl:
3 cups sifted Indian whole wheat flour (must be very fine)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup warm water
Knead well, cover, and let rest.
To make the filling, combine in a saucepan:
2 cups raw split yellow peas
4 cups water (enough to cover)
Simmer about 30-45 minutes until soft, adding more water as needed to keep the peas from sticking to the pan. Drain off the water and save it and a teaspoon of cooked peas for Sweet Paratha Sauce, pg. 81.
Puree the peas, setting aside about 1/4-1/3 cup of puree for the sauce as well as the cooked whole peas and cooking water, then add to the puree for the paratha:
1 3/4 cups white sugar
Cook the sweetened puree for 15 to 20 minutes in the microwave, stirring every 5 minutes, or cook for about 45 minuts on the stove over low heat, stirring frequently.
When thickened, add:
1 Tablespoon cardamom powder, or less to taste
1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
Make sure the filling is thick or it will squish out the sides when the paratha are rolled. This filling can keep for several days in the refrigerator.
To fill the dough, use either one of the following two methods:
Method 1: Divide the dough into 20 equal pieces. Roll these into balls and cover. Take out 2 balls at a time, and roll them on a floured surface into 5" rounds. Place about 2 Tablespoons of filling on one round. Cover with the second round, and press the edges to seal. Gently roll out to about 6 1/2" wide.
Method 2: Divide the dough in 10 equal pieces, roll into balls of dough, and cover. Roll out on a floured surface to 5" wide. Wrap each circle of dough around 2 Tablespoons of filling shaped in a ball, and seal the seams in the dough. Gently roll out again to 6 1/2" wide; try not to pick up the circle while rolling out.
To cook the paratha, heat a frying pan on medium-low heat with a little bit of ghee. Gently place a paratha in the pan, and lightly brown both sides. Now, paint the side facing up with the ghee, press, and flip; paint the second side and press again. Fold in half and briefly flip both sides one more time. Remove from the pan onto a dish lined with a paper towel.
These are very sweet and filling, and taste best dipped in Sweet Paratha Sauce, pg. 81.
Category Breads
Servings 10 Serving Size 1
Calories 363 Protein g
Fat 3.2 g Carbohydrates73 g

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